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City of Novi Sad Public Advertisement

Pursuant to the Novi Sad City Council Decision, No. 020-94/2023-3-II dated September 01.2023., on initiating an alienation process of real estate publicly of the town of Novi Sad, in Novi Sad, 7 Vojvodanskih Brigada Street, Town of Novi Sad announces public advertisement on alienation process of property publicly owned by the town of Novi Sad, in Novi Sad, 7 Vojvodanskih Brigada street, by public bidding.


Subject of alienation: Real estate publicly owned by the town of Novi Sad, namely a commercial building with an unspecified field of activity, building number 1, gross area 526 m2, usable area 6,463.80 m2, quantity of floors: basement, ground floor, and 13 floors, built around the cadaster lot 7952 C. M. Novi Sad II with separate building parts, and with the construction lot 7952 C. M. Novi Sad II, using the area of 850 m2, in Novi Sad, 7 Vojvodanskih Brigada Street 7.

The commercial building by having an unspecified field of activity in the previous paragraph consists of 19 commercial premises.

Transformer Station available premise with an unspecified field of activity – TRANSFORMER STATION, number of separate part 2, usable surface area 19.63 m2, found at in the ground floor from the commercial building with an unspecified field of activity, building # 1, constructed on the cadaster lot 7952 C. M. Novi Sad II in Novi Sad, 7 Vojvodanskih Brigada Street, shall be relocated in the City of Novi Sad expense, within the duration of six months, following a date of concluding anything on selling the afore stated property.

Location: Novi Sad, 7 Vojvodanskih Brigada Street

Lot intended purpose: According towards the General Regulation Arrange for the mixed purpose space between Europe Blvd, Cara Lazara Blvd, Strazilovska St, Zarka Zrenjanina St, Mihajla Pupina Blvd, Jevrejska St, and Futoska St, in Novi Sad ('City of Novi sad Official Gazette' No. 40/11, 30/12-corr, 45/15, 63/15, 9/16, 19/16, 34/17, 21/18, 22/19, 50/19 and 9/20) and the Detailed Regulation Plan from the Radnicki University in Novi Sad ('City of Novi sad Official Gazette' No. 36/06) the afore stated property is situated within this area completely, i. e. within the general city center and line center zones.

Level of equipment: The location is equipped with water supply network (existing connection to the road installations O 110) and sewer network (existing link with the street installations O 400), as well as with power network and Transformer Station. Vojvodanskih Brigada Street.


The subject property is alienated on the sold-as-seen-basis, whereby the buyer has no to any subsequent warranty. The customer shall cover any potential costs of relocating, securing, and protecting the installations or even the facility infrastructure (both registered and unregistered within the Line cadaster excerpt), of elimination of trees and other greenery, garbage, construction rubble and debris, as well as ground filling and levelling.

Starting cost from the subject real estate is 5.265.595,40 EUR.The basic criterion for choosing probably the most favorable bidder is the highest amount of the offered bid, in EUR, throughout the public bidding process. Final purchase price of the subject property shall be established following a completing the general public bidding process. The payment of the purchasing price for the subject property will be in dinar equivalent in the NBS middle official exchange rate at the time of payment.

Purchasing price payment deadline is 8 (eight) days from the purchasing contract conclusion day and it is validation. Purchasing contract validation expenses by the notary public, the price of taxes on the change in absolute rights along with other potential expenses that might be incurred in this legal procedure will be borne by the buyer.


Bid applications will be submitted within 30 days from the times of advertisement is announced, inside of closed envelopes via postal service or even the Registry Clerk of the Novi Sad City Administration for Property and Property/Legal Affairs, at Novi Sad, 53 Narodnog Fronta Street, with notation 'NOT TO BE OPENED – APPLICATION FOR THE PUBLIC ADVERTISEMENT OF ALIENATION OF Property PUBLICLY Of THE CITY OF NOVI SAD, IN NOVI SAD, 7 VOJVODANSKIH BRIGADA STREET' /”НЕ ОТВАРАТИ – ПРИАВА ЗА АВНИ ОГЛАС РАДИ ОТУЕА НЕПОКРЕТНОСТИ У АВНО СВОИНИ ГРАДА НОВОГ САДА У НОВОМ САДУ, ВОВОАНСКИХ БРИГАДА БРО 7″.

The envelope shall have basic data on the applicant (name and family name/business name/phone number and current email address). Applications could be submitted both by legal or by natural entities. Foreign legal entities have to participate in accordance using the law.

Applicant is permitted to submit just one single application.

A complete and orderly application shall contain the following applicant's data:

  • For natural entities: name and family name, address, ID card photocopy or its read-out, phone number and current email address,
  • For entrepreneurs: name and family name of the entrepreneur, name of the entity and it is seat, entrepreneur's ID card photocopy or its read-out, phone number and email address, original copy from the business registry or perhaps a certificate that the entrepreneur has been registered in the appropriate registry (not over the age of Thirty days), certificate on the tax identification number and current email address,
  • For legal entities: name from the entity and it is seat, original copy in the business registry (not over the age of Thirty days), copy of the contract on opening a merchant account and its keeping in a commercial bank where its banking account is, certificate on the tax identification number, name and family name of the individual authorized represent the entity, telephone number and email address.

The applicant shall make funding payment/deposit in the amount 1.053.120,00 EUR in dinar equivalent in the NBS official exchange rate at the time of payment: 840-1158804-02. Purpose of the payment: Advance/deposit payment for public advertisement for real estate alienation in Novi Sad, 7 Vojvodanskih Brigada Street.

In case you whose bid is chosen as the most favorable one, doesn't conclude anything within 8 (eight) days in the day the invitation to summarize the contract have been sent, it will be thought to be the applicant's withdrawal from the purchase, and forfeits the right to deposit/advance payment return. Such right is forfeited and in case you fails to pay the full quantity of the purchase price within 8 (eight) days from the day anything was signed.


The public bidding technique of alienation of the subject real estate in the Town of Novi Sad public rentals are conducted through the Committee appointed by the Novi Sad City Council (Novi Sad City Council Decision No. 020-94/2023-2-II dated July 10.2023., hereinafter referred to as Committee).

Participation in the public bidding is allowed exclusively to the applicants previously having paid the deposit/advance.

The applicant or perhaps a person duly licensed by the applicant (special power attorney verified by the notary public) is obliged to become present in the public bidding procedure.


The advertisement is open 30 days from its announcement.

The subject property can be seen during the advertisement's duration at times which more details can be obtained by calling 021/489 00 17, 021/489 00 20.

All the information required in regards to this advertisement, as well as the time and location to see the documentation regarding the subject real estate, can be obtained at the Novi Sad City Administration for Property and Property/Legal Affairs, 53 Narodnog Fronta Street, Novi Sad, or via telephone 021/489 00 17 and 021/489 00 20, from 08:00 till 13:00 o'clock.

Public bidding is to be conducted on October 21. 2023, at Novi Sad City Administration for Property and Property/Legal Affairs, 53 Narodnog Fronta Street, Novi Sad, 1st floor (the conference room) starting at 13 o'clock.

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